Best Savings Coupon Accessibility Policy
- Best Savings Coupon has dedicated significant resources to making our information accessible to all users of our websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0/2.1, Level AA, serve as our primary reference for our accessibility enhancements.
- Digital accessibility is a top focus for Best Savings Coupon and all of its businesses during the design and development phases. Alt-text has been added, keyboard and screen reader navigation has been improved, and closed captioning, color contrast, and zoom features have been added. Each site now has an accessibility statement with contact information so that users can let us know if they encounter any problems accessing our content.
- We advise using the most recent versions of web browsers and assistive technology for optimal user experience. We depend on the community to let us know when they have problems with any of our sites, and we consider all feedback sent to us.
- We are committed to ensuring that people with disabilities can appreciate our material. Please email us at info@bestsavingscoupon.com if you have any questions or concerns about accessibility or encounter technical difficulties when using any of our websites, apps, or products. Please be specific about whatever Best Savings Coupon property you have a complaint about, and we’ll do everything we can to resolve it.